The Call for Contributions is now closed.
To submit your proposal, please go to, and follow the instructions in the Call for Abstracts section. Note that, in order to submit, at least one of the authors will need to login/create an account on Indico.
You will be asked:
- the title of your contribution;
- the author/s (if they have an Indico account you can add them using “Add from search”; otherwise, you can manually enter their details through “Enter manually”);
- the panel (aka, track) of your choice (see the list below);
- an abstract of a maximum of 1000 words (please read the submission instructions and follow the template).
Abstracts must be submitted in English. The official languages of the conference, however, are Italian, English, and French. For each session, languages will be used depending on the composition of participants.
Proposal must be submitted by 20 January, 2025 24 January, 2025.
Acceptance of proposals will be notified by 13 March, 2025. Contributors must register by 26 April, 2025, to be included in the programme.
Panel Sessions
(follow the link for detailed CFPs)
adulthood aesthetics Artificial Intelligence borders capitalism care celebrity culture civil society collective property creativity cultural production digital discrimination domestic space ecology education EMCA environmentalism expertise exploitation food gender grassroot activism and militantism grief and mourning health inequalities interdisciplinary research knowledge labour migration organisations and institutions participatory research politics and policies practices of documentation public discourse racialisation religion rural securitisation sensoriality shared housing social control social exclusion transition urban space violence waste industry writing youth
- Ethnographies of the contemporary far-right.
Convenors: Elisa Bellè (CEE Sciences Po) & Safia Dahani (LaSSP/Sciences Po Toulouse) - Migration and the transition to adulthood.
Convenors: Enrico Fravega (University of Genoa) & Sebastiano Benasso (University of Genoa) - Domestic ethnography in marginalised and shared dwelling spaces: Relationships, dilemmas, and the micro-macro link.
Convenors: Paolo Boccagni (University of Trento) & Eduardo Barberis (University of Urbino – Carlo Bo) - Civil society and care practices.
Convenors: Paola Bonizzoni (University of Milan) & Giacomo Lampredi (University of Milan) - Lines, traces, streets. Writing urban ethnography.
Convenors: Andrea Mubi Brighenti (University of Trento) & Andrea Pavoni (DINAMIA’CET, University Institute of Lisbon) - Despicable public personas: Dynamics of infamy in digital culture.
Convenors: Stefano Brilli (University of Urbino) & Oscar Ricci (University of Milano-Bicocca) - “Work is not just work”: Ethnographies on migrant workers’ health in Europe.
Convenors: Veronica Buffon (University of Messina) & Camilla De Ambroggi (University of Padua) - Labour and exploitation in the contemporary waste industry.
Convenors: Hanen Chebbi (Institut Pasteur/ECUMUS) & Simone Di Cecco (École française de Rome, Institut Convergences Migrations) - Distant neighbours. Urban ethnography through temporary practices and digital connections.
Convenors: Sebastiano Citroni (University of Insubria) & Massimiliano Raffa (University of Insubria) - Labour market insertion of young migrants.
Convenor: Iraklis Dimitriadis (Scuola Normale Superiore) - Imagining future worlds: New ethnographic perspectives on creative approaches to climate change.
Convenors: Lorenzo Domaneschi (University of Milano-Bicocca) & Lorenzo G. Zaffaroni (University of Milano-Bicocca) - Ethnographies of (multi-)sensoriality in and of social interaction.
Convenors: Clemens Eisenmann (University of Konstanz; University of Siegen) & Lorenza Mondada (University of Basel) - Creative/Inventive methods in contemporary ethnographic inquiry.
Convenors: Fabio M. Esposito (CNR-IRPPS) & Paolo Landri (CNR-IRISS) - Between the digital and the “real”: Theoretical and epistemological challenges for ethnography in migration studies.
Convenors: Enrico Fravega (University of Genoa) & Rassa Ghaffari (University of Genoa) - Environmental labour ethnographies of workplaces and working-class communities.
Convenors: Francesca Gabbriellini (University of Bologna) & Domenico Perrotta (University of Bergamo) - Theorising ethnography across disciplines and methodological approaches.
Convenors: Ester Gallo (University of Trento) & Chiara Bassetti (University of Trento) - Comparative ethnographies of borderlands. Everyday practices of bordering and resistance across securitised geographies.
Convenors: Ilaria Giglioli (University of San Francisco) & Edgar Córdova Morales (UVSQ-Paris-Saclay) - Aesthetics and imaginaries of eco-activist movements.
Convenors: Massimiliano Guareschi (University of Milano-Bicocca) & Federico Smania (University of Milano-Bicocca) - Rethinking the role of ethnography in more-than-human participatory research and design.
Convenors: Liesbeth Huybrechts (University of Hasselt) & Cristiano Storni (University of Limerick) - Collectivities rule their own lands: Ethnography and interdisciplinary approaches for Territories of Life.
Convenors: Marta Villa (University of Trento) & Mauro Iob (University of Trento) - Examining the controversial social space of female genitals.
Convenors: Federica Manfredi (University of Torino) & Raffaella Ferrero Camoletto (University of Torino) - Observing digital practices: The role of Artificial Intelligence in cultural processes.
Convenor: Alessandra Micalizzi (Università Telematica Pegaso) - The everyday lives of platform workers: Migration, precarity and resistance.
Convenors: Giorgio Pirina (University Cà Foscari of Venice) & Francesco Pontarelli (University Cà Foscari of Venice) - Institutional ethnography: Researching for social change.
Convenors: Morena Tartari (Northumbria University) & Órla Meadhbh Murray (Northumbria University) - Surveillance imaginaries and practices.
Convenor: Fabio Quassoli (University of Milano-Bicocca) - Labour exploitation: Beyond existing development paradigms.
Convenors: Timothy Raeymaekers (university of Bologna) & Giuseppe Grimaldi (University of Trieste) - New ethnographic perspectives on racialization processes.
Convenors: Ivana Rapoš Božič (Masaryk University) & Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky (Masaryk University) - Transnational religious education in Europe: Between integration and differentiation.
Convenors: Roberta Ricucci (University of Turin) & Minoo Mirshahvalad (University of Copenhagen) - Ethnographies of expert capitalism.
Convenors: Daromir Rudnyckyj (University of Victoria) & Coco Kanters (Utrecht University) - Ethnographies of death and grief.
Convenors: Giorgio Scalici (University of Palermo) & Nives Ladina (University of Roma) - Watching the watchers: Policing and ethnography of the coercive state.
Convenor: Michael Sierra-Arévalo (University of Texas at Austin; Princeton University) - Tasting and judging “natural” wines and artisanal agri-food products.
Convenors: Davide Sparti (University of Siena) & Clelia Viecelli (University of Siena) - Ethnographies of expert knowledges in mental health, neurodivergence, and disability.
Convenors: Luca Sterchele (University of Turin) & Fabio Bertoni (University of Lisboa) - Ethnography of violence in intimate relationships.
Convenors: Maria Urso (University of Palermo) & Martina Lo Cascio (University of Palermo) - Ethnographies of migrant detention, new forms of confinement and the securitarian turn in migration policies.
Convenors: Francesca Vianello (University of Padova) & Omid Firouzi Tabar (University of Padova)