Call for Paper / Panels

Submission is now closed, the list of Panels is below


To submit your proposal, please fill in this online submission form. You will be asked:

  • the session of your choice (see the list below);
  • the title of your talk and an abstract of a maximum of 5000 characters (approximately 1000 words);
  • your contact details (full name, e-mail, post address and affiliation) and those of your co-author/s, if any;

Abstracts must be submitted in English. The official languages of the conference, however, are Italian, English, and French; for each session, languages will be used depending on the participants composition.

If you like (we would like!), also send a short video talk (2 min. max.) to It should not necessarily be a piece of what your proposed talk would be, but a sort of teaser trailer for it, and a piece of you too. By sending the video, you thereby allow the organizing committee to upload the video at its discretion, in full or cut form, on the youtube channel of Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa.

Proposal must be submitted by January 23 , 2023.

Acceptance of proposals will be notified by March 13, 2023.

Contributors must register by April 26, 2023, to be included in the programme.

Click on the titles below for the detailed CFPs

  1. The multiple roles of intimacy in ethnography inquiry.
    Convenors: Alicia Vogt (École des hautes études en sciences sociales/ Goethe University) & Mathias Dambuyant (École des hautes études en sciences sociales).
  2. Human exploitation: ethnographies of labor in the humanitarian sector.
    Convenors: Simone Di Cecco (University Paris Cité) & Noemi Martorano (University of Paris Nanterre/ University of Padua).
  3. Bridging the political ethnographies of vulnerability.
    Convenors: Anne-Cécile Caseau (INJEP / LEGS) & Sara Cesaro (Université Paris 8/ LEGS UMR 8238).
  4. The politics and poetics of walking ethnographies.
    Convenors: Giada Peterle (University of Padua) & Chiara Rabbiosi (Centre for Advanced Studies Mobility & Humanities/ Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World).
  5. New religious movements and ethnography.
    Convenors: Stefania Palmisano (University of Turin) & Marco Castagnetto (University of Turin).
  6. Shame, morality and the vulnerable self: visibility and authenticity.
    Convenors: Federica Manfredi (University of Lisbon) & Alvaro Jarrin (College of the Holy Cross).
  7. Preparing for the ecological crisis: material dependencies and the transformation of agri-food systems.
    Convenors: Maura Benegiamo (University of Pisa), Laura Centemeri (Chargée de recherche/EHEES).
  8. Comics-based ethnographies and ethno-graphic novels.
    Convenors: Veronica Moretti (University of Bologna) & Francesco Della Puppa (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice).
  9. Global health and the post-covid era.
    Convenors: Sandra L. Trappen (Penn State University) & Katherine McKlean (Penn State University).
  10. Combining social network analysis and qualitative research.
    Convenors: Francesca Odella (University of Trento).
  11. The everyday life of civil society.
    Convenors: Sebastiano Citroni (Insubria University) & Paul Lichterman (University of Southern California).
  12. Ethnography in mental health care settings.
    Convenor: Gabriele Cerati (University of Milan Bicocca) & Stefan Sjöström (Uppsala University).
  13. From anti-prostitution to anti-trafficking struggles.
    Convenors: Mara Clemente (ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia) & Michela Semprebon (University of Parma)
  14. Ethnographic approaches to recording migrant deaths and disappearances.
    Convenors: Linda Haapajärvi (University of Helsinki / Centre Maurice Halbwachs [CNRS-EHESS-ENS]) & Filippo Furri (Migreurop).
  15. Ethnographic explorations in ‘food sustainability’: narratives, practices, processes, challenges.
    Convenors: Lorenzo Domaneschi (University of Milan Bicocca) & Lorenzo Pedrini (University of Milan-Bicocca)
  16. The many lives of degrado:  the affective, aesthetic, and semiotic materiality of urban decay.
    Convenors: Roberto D’Alba (University of Trento) & Andrea Pavoni (University Institute of Lisbon).
  17. Epistemic disputes and social polarization in times of global health emergency and other emergencies.
    Convenor:  Cecilia Vergnano (KU Leuven).
  18. Decolonising childhood: rethinking children’s everyday life beyond the western/global north normativity.
    Convenors: Caterina Satta (Università di Cagliari) & Emanuela Spanò (Università di Cagliari).
  19. Migrants’ access to rights and statuses: the legal-administrative intermediation field.
    Convenors: Paola Bonizzoni (University of Milan) & Laura Odasso (Collège de France).
  20. Digital labour and informal economy: transformation and challenges.
    Convenors: Diego Coletto (University of Milan Bicocca) & Iraklis Dimitriadis (University of Milan).
  21. Comparative ethnographies and qualitative studies of workers organizing.
    Convenors: Paolo Borghi (University of Milan) & Petr Mezihorak (Slovak Academy of Sciences).
  22. Ethnography of the Italian inner areas.
    Convenors: Enrico Mariani (University of Urbino Carlo Bo) & Giulia De Cunto (University of Milan Bicocca).
  23. Ethnographies of law.
    Convenors: Luca Sterchele (University of Milan Bicocca) & Francesca Vianello (University of Padua).
  24. Social sciences and ethnographic disciplines applied to the territories.
    Convenors: Francesca Grisot (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) & Ivan Severi (ANPIA – Associazione Nazionale Professionale Italiana di Antropologia).
  25. Between financialization, resistance and everyday life: ethnographies of housing in historic centres.
    Convenors: Nick Dines (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) & Cristina Mattiucci (Federico II University of Naples).
  26. Conspiracy theories/conspiracy practices.
    Convenors: Massimiliano Guareschi (Nuova accademia delle belle arti of Milan) & Oscar Ricci (University of Milan Bicocca).
  27. Ghosts as ethnographic category.
    Convenors: Salvatore Poier (University of Pittsburgh) & Heath Cabot (University of Bergen/ University of Pittsburgh).
  28. Labour conflicts: transformations and frictions inside and outside the workplaces.
    Convenors: Valeria Piro (University of Padova) & Giuliana Sanò (University of Messina).
  29. Narratives and counter-narratives in the migration battlefield.
    Convenors: Marcello Maneri (University of Milan Bicocca) & Andrea Pogliano (University of Piemonte Orientale).
  30. Mothering across borders: mobility, futures, and multiple time-spaces.
    Convenors: Selenia Marabello (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) & Martina Giuffrè (University of Parma).
  31. The ethnographic study of sexuality: practices, cultures, and stigma.
    Convenors: Mariella Popolla (University di Genoa) & Giulia Selmi (University of Parma).
  32. Music in ethnography: looking in the mirror at ethnography of music.
    Convenor: Micol Pizzolati (University of Bergamo).
  33. Slow disasters: epistemologies of risk in contested domains.
    Convenors: Kyle Cleveland (Temple University’s Japan Campus/ TUJ’s Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies) & Pietro Saitta (University of Messina).
  34. Multispecies ethnography: methods, results, and potential discussions.
    Convenors: Mylène Tanferri (University of Lausanne) & Aurélie Javelle (Institut Agro Montpellier).
  35. Sociomateriality and socio-technical assemblages.
    Convenors: Assunta Viteritti (University of Rome “La Sapienza”) & Ludovica Rubini (University of Rome “La Sapienza”).
  36. The times of welfare.
    Convenors: Tommaso Frangioni (University of Turin) & Daniela Leonardi (University of Parma).
  37. Why practices become form: contemporary arts in the making.
    Convenors: Chiara Bassetti (University of Trento).
  38. Parenting experiences and family practices.
    Convenors: Silvia Fargion (University of Trento) & Teresa Bertotti (University of Trento).
  39. Studying up: dissecting the ethnography of wealth and power.
    Convenor: Federica Duca (University of the Witwatersrand)
  40. Anticipating the unpredictable: logics, actors and techniques of preparedness.
    Convenors: Frédéric Keck (CNRS-Collège de France/EHESS) & Davide Caselli (University Milan Bicocca).
  41. The Mediterranean as a laboratory of border externalization – ethnographic perspectives from the south.
    Convenors: Ilaria Giglioli  (University of San Francisco) & Timothy Raeymaekers (University of Bologna)
  42. Grounding ethnography. Social struggles, fields of power, and research practices in geography.
    Convenors: Anna Casaglia (University of Trento) & Chiara Giubilaro (University of Palermo).
  43. Institutional ethnography: a sociology with and for people.
    Convenors: Morena Tartari (University of Southampton) & Órla Meadhbh Murray (Imperial College London).
  44. Towards a racialization of European space? Exploitation and resistance in agricultural economies.
    Convenors: Jacopo Anderlini (University of Genoa), Enrico Fravega (University of Genoa) & Daniela Giudici (University of Trento)