9th Edition, 2023

  • Convenors:  Francesca Grisot (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) Contact Person: francesca.grisot@unive.it Ivan Severi (President of ANPIA – Associazione Nazionale Professionale Italiana di Antropologia) ivan.severi@email.com  The session will illustrate the potential and discuss the methodological (Ladner 2016) and ethical (Low, Engel Merry 2010) issues that arise when social scientists are involved (or should be) in local policies planning…

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  • 23. Ethnography of law

    Convenors: Luca Sterchele (Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca); Francesca Vianello (Università degli Studi di Padova)  AbstractThe connection between ethnography and law is curious. Although the ethnographic study of law and normative systems has been one of the main goals of legal anthropology since its emergence (Malinowski, 2013 [1926]; Evans-Pritchard, 1940), ethnographies of contemporary western…

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  • ConvenorsEnrico Mariani – Phd Student in Humanities, Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies (DISCUI), University of Urbino Carlo Bo Giulia De Cunto – Phd Student in Urban Studies, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milan Bicocca. Convenors BioEnrico Mariani is currently a PhD student in Humanities at the University of Urbino…

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  • In the context of global capitalism, the transformations of work and its forms of representation urgently require a critical and comparative analysis, able to combine interpretative ‘thickness’ with comparability among different national contexts. More specifically, several scholars underlined the importance of cross-national research on precarious workers and their struggles (Atzeni and Ness, 2016; Kalleberg and…

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  • Diego Coletto, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, diego.coletto@unimib.it Iraklis Dimitriadis, Università degli Studi di Milano, iraklis.dimitriadis@unimi.it Panel sessionDigital labor platforms (DLPs) mediate work, allowing different economic actors – e.g., workers, firms, clients – to digitally interact in order to provide or acquire goods and services. An increasing number of studies focused the attention to benefits,…

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  • Paola Bonizzoni, University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences, Italy paola.bonizzoni@unimi.it Paola Bonizzoni is an Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan, where she teaches ‘Globalisation, diversity and inequality’ and ‘Society and social change’. She has carried out research in several subfields of the sociology…

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  • Convenors: Caterina Satta (Università di Cagliari), Emanuela Spanò (Università di Cagliari)Contact:caterina.satta@unica.it; emanuela.spano@unica.it In this session, we seek to open an interdisciplinary reflection on how to differently think of childhood, both inside and outside institutional contexts, giving voice to epistemologies, horizons of thought, practices, methodologies, and actions that are usually marginal in the sociological debate or…

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  • Cecilia Vergnano – FWO senior postdoctoral fellowKU Leuven – Department of Social Anthropologyvergnanocecilia@gmail.com The concept of political and social “polarization” is one of the new leitmotifs of contemporary societies, especially in Western liberal democracies. Just to put a few examples, in the United States the number of books banned from schools has drastically increased during…

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  • The many lives of degrado: the affective, aesthetic and semiotic materiality ofurban decay Roberto D’Alba, MA student in Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.email: roberto.dalba@studenti.unitn.it Andrea Pavoni, assistant research professor at DINAMIA’CET, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugalemail: andrea.pavoni@iscte-iul.pt  “If we only pay attention to the rollout of contemporary spatial products as exemplars of urban…

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  • The category of ‘sustainability’ (Warde, 2018) is increasingly ingrained in our society, and it works as a powerful principle guiding a multiplicity of social fields. Particularly in Western countries, the agri-food sector has become one of the privileged sites of application for this new form of knowledge. Farming, manufacturing, food distribution and forms of consumption…

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