9th Edition, 2023

  • Several important pieces of work have engaged multispecies studies to carry forward bothresearch and politics around the roles and connections amongst species and the importance of these connections for their (mutual) care (Haraway, 2013; Kohn, 2013; Tsing, 2015; Despret and Meuret, 2016; Hartigan Jr, 2019; Mondémé, 2019, 2021). Multispecies studies can be described as an…

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  • Convenors:Kyle Cleveland is Associate Professor of Sociology at Temple University’s Japan Campus and founding Director of TUJ’s Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies, through which he has organized a series of public lectures, workshops, and symposia on Japan’s 3.11 Tōhoku earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disasters. He is co-editor (with Scott Knowles and Ryuma Shineha) of “Legacies…

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  • ConvenorMicol Pizzolati, University of Bergamo, micol.pizzolati@unibg.it Music is an under-explored yet potentially extremely interesting arts-based form for reflection, elicitation and representation in qualitative inquiry (Butler-Kisber 2018) due to the particular links music has with our feelings and memory. Like photos and objects, pieces of music may have particular stories attached to them and represent aspects…

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  • Convenors: Mariella Popolla (Università di Genova) & Giulia Selmi (Università di Parma)Contacts: pmariella@yahoo.it; giulia.selmi@unipr.it As anthropologist Gayle Rubin (2002) pointed out qualitative sociology played a key role in establishing a social sciences approach to sexuality by producing ethnographic studies of sexual population that challenged the privileged role of medicine (and psychiatry in particular) in the…

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  • In official discourse and media representations, migrant mothers have been alternatively victimized or made invisible. Observing inclusions, omissions and invisibilization in historical archives, Stoler (2009) coined the notion of ‘politics of disregard’ to define this selective process. A critical reading of the way these women and their children are depicted and driven by institutional practices…

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  • Convenors Marcello Maneri (University of Milano-Bicocca) & Andrea Pogliano (University ofPiemonte Orientale)Contact: marcello.maneri@unimib.it In its most basic sense, the concept of narrative refers to a sequence of chronologically and logically related events from which humans can learn (Toolan 2001). Narratives involve a prescriptive and diagnostic dimension, identifying the issue at stake and how to resolve…

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  • This panel aims at investigating the current transformations in the labour market and the society at large, by looking at how work-related conflicts arise and develop within and outside the workplaces. The interest devoted to labour conflict has changed throughout history, across disciplines, and according to different scientific approaches; nevertheless, it remains a pivotal topic…

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  • Conveners:Salvatore Poier, University of PittsburghHeath Cabot, University of Bergen and University of Pittsburgh From ghosting a date, to noticing the past tram line now built over by otherdevelopments (“scarchitecture” or ghost architecture), ghosts surround usconstantly. We could even say that the living are anomalies in the much morepopulous world of ghosts. This panel asks participants…

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  • In recent years, conspiracy theories seem to have gained a great deal of media limelight. Although conspiracy theories have been almost always around, it seems undeniable that social media has made them more popular, or at least more easily accessible to people who probably would not have come into contact with them. From 9/11 conspiracy…

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  • Panel organizers: Nick Dines, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (nicholas.dines@unive.it) and Cristina Mattiucci, Federico II University of Naples (cristina.mattiucci@unina.it) AbstractThis panel is interested to explore how ethnographic research can contribute to a more complex and critical understanding of housing issues in the historic centres of cities. By ‘historic centre’, we mean the core of any…

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