10th Edition, 2025
ConvenorsFabio M. Esposito (corresponding scholar), CNR – IRPPSfabio.m.esposito@gmail.com Paolo Landri, CNR – IRISSpaolo.landri@cnr.it Over the past few decades, the range of techniques and methodologies used in ethnography and the social sciences has expanded, embracing innovative – and sometimes ‘unconventional’ approaches – to tackle complex contemporary research questions that traditional methods often fail to adress (Kara,…
ConvenorIraklis Dimitriadis, Scuola Normale Superioreiraklis.dimitriadis@sns.it Research on the labour market insertion of young migrants has largely centered on the reltionships between education, unemployment, and occupational attainment across different ethnic groups. Meanwhile, youth studies have explored the transition to adulthood, intergenerational disadvantage, and the strategies adopted by young migrants to shape their life trajectories, without paying…
ConvenorsElisa Bellè, CEE Sciences Poelisabelle.bruni@gmail.com Safia Dahani, LaSSP/Sciences Po Toulouse (France)safia.dhn.pro@protonmail.com While the verdict of a «mainstreamed» far right has already been pronounced in the literature (Mudde, 2024), we want to critically interrogate the concept of mainstreaming, by shedding light on the processes that have allowed different formations of this political family to make inroads…