It is very important that you book your accommodation as soon as possible.
Trento is a lovely city and July is touristic high season.
You can find below a list of potential accommodations.
To take advantage of the discounted prices for the conference participation at the contracted hotels, you should indicate “ERQ 2025″ upon booking.
Contracted Hotels
Hotel Accademia (Trento)
Hotel Adige (Mattarello)
Agritour Ponte Alto (Povo)
Al Cavour 34 BnB (Trento)
Hotel America (Trento)
Hotel Buonconsiglio (Trento)
Ester Camere (Trento)
Hotel Everest (Trento)
Grand Hotel Trento (Trento)
HI Hotel (Trento)
Hotel Leon d’Oro (Rovereto)
NH Hotel (Trento)
Relais Mozart (Rovereto)
Residence del Messaggero (Rovereto)
Hotel Rovereto (Rovereto)
Sartori’s Hotel (Lavis)
Villa Fontana (Trento)
Villa Madruzzo (Cognola)
Hotel Sant’Ilario (Rovereto)
Hotel Venezia (Trento)
Plese keep in mind that to reach Trento and back from Mattarello, Lavis, Cognola and Rovereto you will need some form of transportation. Public transports are available from all these locations.
Follow this link for further information about public transport: Trentino Trasporti.